Stoopid Pipel.

"Hello Miss C"

Miss C responds back without eye contact and makes her way up the stairs.

"Well that daughter of yours sure is proud, she just scooted upstairs barely acknowledging me", responded the old lady neighbor who once suggested I baptize my child to cure her Autism.

I responded the same way Miss C did, I ignored her ass and made my way upstairs.



I am still alive.  We are all still alive.  After a looong weekend, here in Puerto Rico, nothing much has changed.  We had a wild election weekend, a new elect governor from a different party and everything is back to normal.  The only thing I do love is that the Secretary of the Board of Education is gone come January...Thank God.

As for the Miss C, I've been out of the blogging world busy fighting for her rights and after a scream fest last week, some not so polite words, tears and a filed complaint, next Monday I meet with a Lawyer/Mediator to get things going.  Miss C has not had any formal therapy since May.  And her teachers dare wonder why she is so haywire???

I've also been busy working on this:

Which is on Sunday...all us gals are busy trying to iron out every single last detail.  I'm running the Information/Fundraising Commitee and getting all those tables and checks deposited was wild.  It still is.  I know Yoly is also equally busy, but in the end, we do it for our kids, our families and those who may come in the future struggling with Autism.
It's the least we can do.
As far as everything else...Obama is Pres and I couldn't be more excited!!! It seems like everybody's choice word was "Change".
I just hope this "change" is for the better...
I got my fingers crossed.

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