**Update on our health situation**
Miss C did not go to school yesterday, I took her to the doc...thank God she doesnt have any type of ear/throat infection (she gets those alot), she only has a cold...Her pediatrian was so thrilled to see her and see how well she has come along...I was glad the progress is clearly visible.
How pharmacy's drive me Apesh*t...
I went to leave her prescriptions at the pharmacy drive through....bare in mind i have a coughing, weezing, leaky nose child in the van...and drive up at 3pm...and I ask the lady at what time should i pick up her meds..she tells me:
"5:30???....I have a very sick 3 year old in this car"
She gives me the "ask me if i care" look....
I then give her the sarcastic:
"WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!! u've really done me a favor" look...
Why do they take so freakin' long?? Can't they give children priority...u can't tell a 3 year old:
"look honey i know u feel like crap..but we gotta wait like 3 hours for u to start feeling better..ok pumpkin?"
and the thing is, it's a universal thing with ALL pharmacies....
and on top of all that it's not like the medicines are being given out for free...we are talking major mula here people...
anyhwhoot..after the pharmacy incidente...i am downstairs at my mom's house at the new miniature kitchen table (i do not know who's bright idea was this)...with my brother, who was having dinner and my mom...and the conversation went as follows:
"So, M, did u give ur girl her present?" I ask my brother
"Yeah, she loved it....oh by the way C. (his best friend) is in love.."
"really???" me and my mom both sarcastically say...
"yeah...he's in love with u, sis...."
I then put my best "WTF"? (what the f---) face and me and my mom both burst out laughing....
u see C..has been my brother's best friend since like the 3rd grade....i've seen them as rugrats, as horrible pre-teens, i've seen him and my brother evolve..go through their facial hair growth..voice changing pimple fases....he used to sleep over...i've seen them wanna be like Che Guevara...and i've even lectured them on how "Che" their role model was actually a friend of Fidel Castro's and not his enemy as C and my brother thought...
Don't get me wrong..C has grown up to be a very good looking young man...but dude!! he's my brother's young best friend....he's a kid...a nice kid..cuz i feel kinda of sorry for him..cuz he has a pissy woman as a mom and doesnt have a dad...i feel sorry that my mom doesnt cut him some slack...but still..i could never ever see him in any other way...
so I start blushing at the table..cuz this thing caught me off guard..and my brother goes on:
"he says ur cute, he loves the way u dresses and he is willing to support u and Miss C"
**hey u gotta give the kid kudos for saying such nice stuff, but on his fast food restaurant salary...i dont think he'd go far even if i let him**
and all i can say is :
"well mom, that just throws off ur whole theory of almost 10 years: He isn't gay"...
(my mom always said C was gay cuz he was always with my brother every day, second, minute..etc.)
My mom, on the other hand was not thrilled with this news, she even gave me the "dont even think about being interested young lady" look, like i'd even be...
so i piss her off more and add:
"Well tell C, that he's late for valentine's and that i wear a size 6 shoe" .....