New Years Deja Vu

The Holidays are hard for a lot of people. For those who live on this island, the Holidays, which are about a three month festivity, can be hell.


I try to go with the flow.  For the sake of the kid and sanity. But I could do without a day in particular:

New Year's Eve.

From ever since I can remember, it is a day where at the stroke of midnight,  many drunken folk cry and hug and apologize for being assholes, make promises they know they won't keep and take the civil human being out for a stroll. As a child, it was a night where my parents, drunk to their armpits would make us accompany them to whatever party and then take us to a secluded place of the house to countdown till 12, just us four. Sounds sweet, even pretty unoffensive. But they were drunk and cried and slobbered us with Coors Light smelling kisses. As a teen it was equally painful. The difference being that my folks no longer spent it together.  We always got stuck with Vader and Vietnam would call in at 12 sobbing that next year he would spend it with us.

He never did.

Now as an adult and with the booming age of technology,  New Year's Eve is equally pathetic and entertaining. All the chain, generic text messages, some from people who you don't have a clue cause you don't have their numbers stored. Vader and Vietnam on my case as to where I'm gonna spend it. My bro and his wife kissing at 12 while I sip on my Red and wonder when I can go to bed. And the ever so entertaining texts of the Walking Dead exes who get nostalgic.

Have you've gotten the underlining of how I dislike this evening?

I make no plans. No resolutions. I don't look back on the year. I refuse.

I cried. I laughed. I learned.  I move on.

So this year I am again ready. Vader will make us watch some cheesy local countdown. Vietnam will call and cry. Bro will kiss his wife. And I will sip Red while the kid kisses me.

I will laugh. I will cry. I will learn. I will move on.

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