My Space and Karma....

I couldn't leave this year without telling you folks about two wonderful events that have happened in the past 24 hours...

Two things that Empress has pointed out are very worth sharing...

1. The world of Myspace....

The world of Myspace has saved our lives this past year. I for one can tell about the marvels of Myspace beforehand and I can give my testimony that I re-found many old friends vía Myspace....including True.

But alas, not all in Myspace land is good. Some of you don't have a clue of how many weird 'friend' requests I get....but man oh should take a look at the ones Empress gets...

here's an example of one she got today...

"Hi how are name is blah age is blah blah...I'm not your typical guy who will hit on you..blah blah...I'd like to meet an intelligente woman..and you seem like that type...if you think I deserve a chance, I understand we can have an intelligente conversation...please give me a chance and if you wouldn't want to, please let me know, in a kind way of course...blah's my email..blah blah...Have a nice day..and I hope we can talk.."

Doesn't seem to bad huh??

Until you see his body building pic and his display name:

Flesh Ripper

On another note...

2. Karma is a bad thing....especially if it's Karma brung on upon the Big Guy Upstairs...

Yesterday I called Vader on my way home and her voice was a tad more Vadery than normal.

"Are you allright?"

"NO..not really..the refrigerator broke..the other one"

(the first one broke down last week)

"Yeah...and I told God to bring on all the bad stuff he had for me before the year was out...."


"And right after I said that I slipped and fell....then when I sat down to regain my composure...the stereo that's installed on the wall above me fell on my head".

::trying not to laugh::

"Oh my".

"Then I told God that I didn't mean what I said before and that to please save some of this bad stuff for next distribute it evenly."

I was gonna ask her what happened to the hanging on to Jesus' robe. But I guess that wasn't too appropiate.

don't ya think?

Folks have a safe and happy New Year...may this New Year bring lots of love, blessings and nothing but good ol' times!!

Lunch sessions..

The year would not be complete without one last lunch session with Empress..

Go here to Just One to enjoy!!!

And as far as this seems like it'll be 2008!! Election Year...At least that's what Mr. Poppins repeated over and over again as we strolled through Marshall's dreaming about our future house...!

The Year in Review

This Friday I'm doing this a lil' different..I'm presenting to you my Year in Review to recap what has been going on in Mary P's life...Enjoy!!

I stole this off of In Pursuit of Happily Ever After...

It's a year in review..You take the first few sentences of the first post of each month...

Some of my first posts of the months sucked so I picked a more interesting one...

A whole year has passed and this is what I have to show for it..

January: This is..what I believe to be the first of many uncomprehended posts on my behalf..forgive me if my grammar is not always intact...(I don't really care if u forgive me or not..but I just wanted to sound polite from the get go..)

Introducing Mary P.

I don't know if I have mentioned in my profile or anywhere about that Miss C (aka my daughter) was diagnosed with Autism ( at the age of 2 (that story makes for a great post...I just have to sit down and take the time to write it).

Introducing Miss C

March: WARNING...!! THIS ENTRY IS KINDA OF least to me it is all true...unless I am really insane...and these things did indeed happen to me...

On my paranormal stuff...

Hey wassup!!I am back..tired, burnt from the sun..but back!!

Back from vacation...

I took Miss C to see Monster's Inc on Ice, courtesy of The Empress, yesterday afternoon (Once again, thanx babes!!..u see The empress is Miss C's fairy Godmother..a very cool one indeed)...anyway..we get in, we are seated, right in the front part of the stage on the second floor, and Miss C is kinda of like edgy. Which as u all know, worries the sh*t out of me.

It seems like lately I am a target of someone's affection...I'm not gonna give u any more publicity..well..maybe I will ...later..but u know who u are..

U know who U are...!

July: Howdy people..?? Ain't I chipper this morning?? You may wonder....Hmmm...yep..she is chipper..why is she so chipper..??

Well there can only be two reasons I am this chipper...

1. World peace has finally arrived.

2. The Yankess kicked some serious ass last night.

Of course, it's the second one. World peace sounds tempting...but it just ain't happening.

My infamous Baseball Obsession

August: get them sit-ups' riding...get your tummy tucked in...Seems like my mother has joined the 'get thin' bandwagon. Now let me set the record straight. My mom isn't fat. She just has a big ass. When I mean big ass, I mean BIG BOOT-AY!

No explanation needed.

Thank you all for your kind words in my previous post. I wouldn't know how to exactly explain what I am feeling (Shocker, huh?), but I'm just kinda of drifting along thoughts and memories and ideas and just can't grasp any long enough to feel sane. ::sigh::

Tough times..

October: Our night was long...very long....and things began on a sour note..but then...then things turned out swell and we got our groove on...So enjoy the slideshow and enjoy the audio...The visuals in the videos are pretty bad...but the following are the audio's of when we got pulled over by the cops on our way to hangout...

And I beat that ticket..

"ALL I WANT IS PAINT....I am the mother of a toddler who is going to attack us any second now...ALL I WANT IS A GALLON OF WHITE PAINT FOR A FREAKIN' WALL!!!!"

Taken from the Color Palette Post...

December: Today...the only day that things have been quite slow..I spent it, licking stamps and writting out the Office X-mas cards...about fifty somethin' cards to be exact...

I may have developed Arthritis in the process..

Ah the Holidays.. I have grown..

So many many posts...


as in Marriage...

Seems like everyone is on this never-ending quest to get hitched...
While I was on a quest to never get hitched, again.

My marriage, without going into details, wasn't all bad. We had our great times, we learned, we decided it was over. Period.

I quickly realized Marriage life wasn't for me.

I wasn't going to share my world, house, space and daughter with any other man.

I believe my exact words upon exciting the courthouse were:

"Empress, if I ever tell you I'm getting married again, kill me. And if you ever wanna get married, look at my example!"

It seems like ever since I'm dating True, everyone wants to know when we are going to get married.

I remmember once, not even a month into our relationship someone asked if we were going to get married in the next 6 months...

WTF? Is there some kind of time limit?

Yeah sure, we are ahead of the game. I mean we've known each other for like 6 years it's not like we don't really know each other...

But what is all the rush?

We get constantly bombarded with the questions on marriage and if we plan to have any more kids...

Sure. We've talked about it. Lightly. We've joked about the 8 kids True wants and I'm willing to go adopt.

But neither of us are in any rush.

I mean, it's a shocker I can even pronounce the word with him.

But as far as we see it, we spend like most of our time together, we do lots of couple stuff...we have a kid...Miss C is considered a joint venture. So right now marriage is on the backburner. would be nice, but for now we are very happy and content each in our own space.

But...recently the questions of marriage has intensified....More and more people wanna know...and some people think we are already married.

I'd like to clarify that right ring finger is free.

The subject has been brought up and this time my reaction has been a taaaad different.

Last night as we said our goodbye's...he asked me if I would marry him....very we usually do...

But this time...the meaning in that question..the emphasis was made my heart *pang, like it skipped a lil'...(shoot me for the reference of a skipping heart)

This afternoon as we were chatting up a storm on messenger we talked about that and I blurted out how I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him...

Right then, right there I literally thought I was gonna toss my fries. This excruciating nausea surfaced from the pit of my stomach and lodged itself in my throat...I felt dizzy, dazzed, confused.

Who was this insane madwoman and what had she done with Mary P.???

I need answers pronto.

We both were taken back with what I said and that's when it hit us....that we reaaaally wanna get married.

Most likely not this year....not anytime too soon...but my nausea and dizzyness confirmed me that this is all very very real.

I think I just threw up a lil' in my mouth.


PS. Stalker friend...I luv u..I really do...but why do u call me 35 a row..If I don't pick up...hint hint..

Where were we???

Oh yeah.

We went to my crib.

So...after putting Miss C to sleep and wrapping up some last minute gifts..we called it a night..

Mommy needed some ZzzZzz's...ASAP.

We slept in till' about 11am..

Miss C rolled out of bed..but had no notion what day it was...

I scurried downstairs to get my camera and we sat around the tree so she could open up her presents..

As she opened each one she squealed:

"This is my pony!!!"
...only to find out that there were no ponies in ANY of the gifts that were there...

She immediately wanted to keep on going...

"More Presents!!" she whined...

and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt that I didn't get her, her 1000th pony..

True assured me that she didn't need another one.

So..after the excitement I decided to make a good hearty breakfast consisting of delicious-savory pancakes...

But Miss C kept on whining that she wanted more presents...she wanted a PONY.

Our breakfast was interrupted by my ex-neighbor who had stopped by with a gift for Miss C....

As I crept downstairs to reluctantly open the gate...because folks..I wanted to have breakfast and chill..not have guests over...My OTHER neighbor...Watchtower lady...scurried over with another gift..

Miss C is one lucky lady....

My ex-neighbor got her a playset with like 10 ponies...
She almost had a stroke from all the excitement..

Miss C quickly forgot about all the other lame-ass gifts her mother got her and went into pony extasis...

Next year her ass is getting coal.

After all the pony bliss we got ready to head out to the In-laws again. No point in staying home if both my parents were working..

After a nice afternoon there, where Miss C has quickly gained confidence and is no longer shy in asking for food and juice and milk and soda...Vader called and I was off to hang with her.

The Ex showed with gifts for Miss C and we all exchanged presents...nothing really exciting...except for the fact that Miss C was having a fit playing Elephun with Vietnam...she smacked his ass with the net everytime he caught more butterflies than her..

::scratch out idea of Tae-kwon-doe classes::

An hour later I dropped Vader back at home...

And I was back at my crib with a whole crap load of wrapping paper, boxes and toys galore...

I thought about my weekend...and how awesome it was...

At church on Sunday they asked..."How do we feel the splendor of God in our lives?"

And I didn't know how to quite answer that...

But if you asked me now, I'd answer:

"I feel the splendor because in a time like this, where X-mas is usually the Holiday I hate, the most lonely and saddest time of the year for me...the time where I have no family....God sent me a different family....a family who has opened their home and their hearts and have made me feel like I don't need anything else to make me feel complete"...

And even if the rest of the evening...the night got shot to sh*t..over some stupid a** situation....(those who read my previous post, know I was pissed)...even if I wanted to bash someone's skull in or set someone's finger's on fire...deep down inside as I was nestled in my between the rage and fury and homicidal instincts...a sense of peace crept in....

And it was all good.

Uff..back at the office...and deep down inside I'm kinda of glad...

I mean, I'm glad all the X-mas hallabalooza is over and some sort of 'normality' or whatever you wanna call it can creep back in all our lives...

This weekend was a loooong one..and this upcoming one is still promising to be kick ass too...

Where shall one begin?

Aside from the fact that if you read my previous post, you'll see I'm P'od...and I'm in no mood to chit chat...but I figure blogging will get my mind off my crappy evening and take my mind off setting some people on fire..


Our church X-mas Party...
I got off home...couldn't get my haircut..took a 45 minute Miss all purtied up and headed out..

As I drove their...True called and asked 'what were we going to do?'

" wise..what are we going to perform?"
"what-u-talkin-bout-willis? Ain't no one mention music.."
"Well, I'll do one song and you can do back up..allright?"
"Ok. One song".

One song that turned into three songs...and a small improv act on my behalf...Three songs sung in a tweed skirt and black stiletos...

::rolls eyes::

I don't know how they talk me into some of these things...
The rest of the night was good...even our pastor danced with the b-boys...very amusing and very cute..

There were and just a real nice time...
We wrapped the night up around 1am..and since it was and Miss C stayed at our the spare room..

I didn't wanna drive all the way home at that hour with Miss C in tow..and neither did they..

We awoke at 11am...!! Do you guys know how long it's been since I've gotten up at that hour!!! Ages!!

We were awoken with the smell of breakfast..smiling in-laws and just a real nice ambience...

They were happy to have us over..and Miss C and I had a gift for my MIL, since it was her B-day that Saturday...

True headed out to work and Miss C and I headed home...

Only to come back like 4 hours later.

True's parents have a house west of the island that they go to every weekend..but this weekend they decided to stay to spend the weekend with us. So me and True decided to get a cake and sing Happy B-day to his mom...

So we spent a nice evening at his place with music, cake and a swell time...

We ended up sleeping over...

We got up early and headed out to church..

Service was nice and after that we had promised to go back to our inlaws for X-mas Eve dinner..

After a small detour and a pit stop to refuel at my house..we were back at the In-Laws with a delish dinner waiting for us...

Did I tell you guys my Inlaws were great??

They even got Miss C a present...which she adored...

I even heard my MIL say that Miss C filled a void in the house...

::insert sniffs sniffs here::

We coaxed my Inlaws to go take a little ride with us to go see some X-mas sites and I even took them home for a little while...

After all the touring we took them back to their place...

They wanted us to stay over again...but Miss C was cranky and wanted to go back home...besides her gifts were home and so was our tree...

So at nearly midnight we headed home...

And I'll let you guys know my neighbor saved X-mas...

In the meantime..enjoy our pics!!


We interrupt our scheduled X-mas vacation with an Emergency Broadcast System Message...



Ok, People, carry on.


I'm still very very P'od'....very very P'od indeed...

I need to go set something on fire...

People I'll be out....taking a few days off to open gifts, watch re-runs and cringe at the sheer sight of children running, screaming and tearing gift wrapping paper all over the place...

Thank God...

No festivities will be held at my place.

Still have no definite plans for anything...but last night Vader and I made a deal that we would see each other on X-Mas Day at some point or another...

I might just add, that yesterday Vader was civilized and we had a nice time. We made a date for tomorrow evening to wrap up the gifts she hasn't had a chance to wrap.

So it's all good.


Today is our big Christmas Party at Church. It's gonna be a long but fun night. I scrambled last night to do a pedicure and today I have to go get a quick snip to refresh my haircut...

I am gonna look very very sharp...more sharp than Emril's knives...

Miss C on the other hand is giving me wardrobe troubles. I wanna dress her up in this velvet pink skirt with leggings and a cream sweater....a cute outfit Empress got her last Christmas...

But Miss C insists on wearing this Pakistan Outfit her dad brought when he came from Iraq. It's a pretty beaded hand made outfit...a long flowing gold and turqoise skirt with a beaded top....and a head scarf...

But I'm thinking it's a tad too much Osama for a night like tonight...

I'm really not feeling the Osama-Terrorist Winter Line 2006.

It's a pretty outfit..but just not for tonight...

We'll see how I bribe...ahem...err.. convince her to wear the first one..


Well folks...I just wanna let you guys know how special you guys are...and it's almost been a year of my blog and you guys are just great!! I haven't met many of you...and yet I cherish you guys a whole bunch!!

Yeah..I'm sappy like that..

May the Holidays bring many beautiful memories, health, love, peace and unity...

May the love of God shower you....

Remmember if you're gonna drink...please pass your key...

Try not to eat too'll get indigestion...

And spend time with your kids....

Or your most loved ones....


Mary P.

Happy Holidays..and may you guys find Rainbows wherever you go....
I found several this morning...even though it was raining hard as hell...



Pssss...You...yeah you sitting at that desk....I've got some ground breaking-kick-ass-completely-cracker-jack-insane news....

::leans in closer::

My boss has just gotten on a plane out of town....

UNTIL THE 7TH OF JANUARY..!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm Estatic!!!


I'm torn.

I have no idea how to make everyone happy this X-mas...

The ideal solution would be to tear myself into lil' pieces and everyone can then have a piece of me...

Vader called last night. Asked if I wanted to come over to wrap gifts. I had stuff to do, so I declined her offer. Vader scoffed...

"...Ohhhh..yeah're what are you people gonna do on the Holidays? You and your brother...because I haven't made plans waiting on you guys. That's IF you wanna spend time with your mother".

Note the sarcastic Undertone.

People. Let me explain. My parents, since we moved to Puerto Rico, have NEVER spent a Christmas with us. Both of my parents work the whole season. It's a high season at the Restaurants (aka Lechoneras) they work at. And they always work. So my bro and I got used to the idea of spending the Holidays alone. Sleeping, eating, watching TV and then seeing our parents real late, when they are cranky and up presents and see them fall asleep.

So...why is it that NOWWWWWW...that I have plans....Vader wants to hang out.

The thing is, Vader and Vietnam are gonna be working.

So Vader wants me to cancel my plans and spend the whole day by myself just so I can spend two hours with her in the evening.

True and I don't have definite plans, but his parents are traveling west and have indirectly invited us.

I'll be honest, and may I be struck by lightening, but I'd much rather take my chances with my in-laws and unknown relatives....

than to be stuck at home watching Infomercials and A Christmas Story on Turner Classics....

She wants me to feel guilty.

Well it won't work.


I lied.

I do feel a tinge of guilt.

Otherwise this post wouldn't be titled "Torn".

There's gonna be some reasonable way to figure this out....

But I'm gonna stock up on some snowcaps and popcorn just in case...

X-mas Meme

I stole this from Michelle...Mom with Attitude

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on the gift...but I love gift bags..with lots of tissue and a cute tie!

2. Real tree or artificial? I got a fake one..our holidays are too long for a real tree to survive in my house

3. When do you put up the tree? Thanksgiving matter how K-otic it might all's our tradition!

4. When do you take your tree down? The second weekend following the Three King's Day...

5. Do you like eggnog? Nope..we don't have eggnog here...we have Coquito...Yum!!!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? would have to be a talking Alf I wanted so badly and The New Kids on the Blocks Dolls

7. Do you have a nativity scene? I have several..I collect them...

8. Hardest person to buy for? Significant's always hard to buy for your boyfriend

9. Easiest person to buy for? Miss C....she's at the age where she loves everything...

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? some used CD's....see here

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? I like Mail..but I don't have the time...

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation for a laugh and A Christmas Story....

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? First week of November when I get my X-mas Club...I like to do everything early..

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? X-mas sprinkled cookies..sugar cookies..

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear lights...but I have a few colored ones around...

17. Favorite Christmas song? Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Frank Sinatra...and 12 days of Christmas because it can annoy the 'ef' out of people...

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I'd love to travel..but I usually stay at home

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Good question...Let's see...Dasher, Donder, Cupid, Vixen, Rudolph, Blitzen...and lord knows I forgot some...

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A Huge Ribbon Bow

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning. Vader stood by the tree with a sawed-off shotgun on X-mas Eve.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Traffic...people in the stores causing all kinds of messes....

23. Favorite Christmas Memory? When I already knew Santa wasn't real, and I saw both my parents, being civilized putting presents under our tree...and when my dad took time to answer my letters.

24. Favorite memory involving your kids?? It would have to be a tie between last year and this year....Last year Miss C finally understood the whole open-up presents thing....the previous years she just sat there blank-faced with all the presents and we had to open them for which she did not react at all..

This year the few gifts she has received early she has opened with great enthusiasm..kissing the boxes and hugging her gifts...

And everytime a toy commercial comes on she goes: For Miss C Holiday!!

Ain't no better memory than that!

Festivities Under Way

Yeah..the partay's have begun...

Not like I'm much of a partay animal anymore..
But I'm still a sucker for a good time...

Yesterday was Miss C's school X-mas partay....
I was in charge of baking a cake...which ended up being a store bought one...due to lack of time...

don't give me that one complained...
It was good....

We were also supposed to bring a wrapped gift to give to our kids in the class...

Food, rice, and 8am...

We Puertoricans like to get an early start...

So..there was an inflatable....about 3 kids...(Miss C's class is only of 6 children...3 were absent due to colds), parents and teachers...

The kid's had a good time...and Miss C was loaded with gifts...her teacher, that adorable-god-bless-her-soul-woman, got her a lil' castle with a princess...momma got her a Lil' Pet Shop thing-a-ma-bob, and one of the parents got her a beautiful My Lil' Pony..


Miss C hugged and kissed all her toys....

It was all splendid...

Until I had to take her to the office with me after the shindig was over...

She was hopping all over the place....going up stairs...touching stuff..just a real gem...

I ended the crisis by taking over the Huge 40-something flat screen TV in the living room of my boss' house and putting on some cartoons...

Imagine that..Cartoons almost her size...!! Miss C was in Couch Potatoe Heaven...

After work I stopped by at my In-laws...aka' True's House...because I had church at 8 and it made no sense driving all the say up drive back down 20 minutes True told me to stop by..take a shower, have dinner, etc. etc.

AW man...!! let me just say...My In-Laws are great!! These two beings are so caring, nice,'s amazing...they treat me and Miss C like part of the family...and it's so endearing to have a family, especially when mine is so estranged...

They especially love Miss C...and vice-versa...they treat her and spoil her....with things she ISN'T supposed to eat...but we'll teach them.

We'll teach them that Chocolate, or Gluten Infested Cookies are prohibited...

Soon enough we'll fix that...

Nevertheless, with all the niceness and comfort..I didn't dare take a shower. I mean, I didn't wanna seem all loosey-goosey. And I always think of Vader in these situations. I remmember once, one of my brother's girlfriends came over and wanted to take a shower before heading out to the movies...(she had just come off work) and my mother was outraged...

"Well...young folk sure have lost their manners..this kid is gonna take a shower in MY House!!"

So, you see why taking a shower at True's House was kinda of awkward to me.

Even if his mom told me to go take one a million times...and added I could go to the spare room to nap....

So we headed out the door to go to church...some sort of a phenomenon happened...

Miss C didn't wanna go. She wanted to stay.

Folks...this is BIG.

Miss C never wants to stay anywhere strange where I am not present.
Miss C has never stayed anywhere besides my mom's place and her dad's....

I naturally panicked..

"No...No...Miss're coming with Mom and True"

"No..." ::clinging on to my MIL legs...

True and I exchanged glances...

"She can stay...go on!!"
True's Mom...all smiles..

"Allright, let's go"

"Allright let's go?? No..No...we can't go!! she is gonna go bonkers..and go psycho on your mom..You guys don't understand" Me

"She'll be ok" True and MIL

"Miss is leaving...I won't be back for a while...why don't you come with mom?"

"No...mother bye bye..see ya' later"

We left her.

and I think I ate half my fingers in that drive to church...

and checked my phone ten thousand times..

When we came back, Miss C was the best behaved lil' girl on the planet. Both True's parents were surprised, because we've mentioned how bad it can get, but last night she was awesome. They even took her to the neighbors to show her. They are really nice to Miss C. Their grandkids are in the states and they are both boys. So Miss C is like a treat. My MIL even said she was her grandma' last week when someone asked her.


Now she's volunteered to look after her if we ever wanna do something on the weekend...

Vader is gonna have a titty attack when she finds out.

And I am gonna have to stock up on some Vicodin and Valium to be able to contain myself...

X-mas Heart

"Mother, do you have a heart?"

::trying not to stumble upon such deep question::

"Yes. I do"

"Do I have a heart?"

"Yes. We all have hearts"

"I love you mother, very much".

"I love you too"

"Here mother"

She takes out two nickels out of her pay for our food at Mickey D's...

Sometimes she does the most amazing things...
usually right after I feel like jumping out a window...

Are you guys ready for the holidays?

I am.

Boss is out of town for 3 weeks...


Can you believe that shish?

Yes. Shish.

I could almost cry.

I'm still trying to keep sane do to the fact that my bedroom and my bathroom still look like zones devastated by a Tsunami/Iraqi Freedom disaster....

I need like a 26 hour day to get my things together..
Not to mention the gifts I have not wrapped do to people who should not see said gifts around..

Did I mention I wrapped Miss C's Elefun game...and didn't see what type of bateries it uses...??
I guess Google might come in handy right about now..

I still don't know what I'm doing for this weekend. I know that on Friday we have our like Big Church Service/Party...and that's about it...

I have no clue who I'll spend X-mas with and where...

I'm taking a wild guess, it'll be pretty much like my previous X-mas'es...

sleeping till pajamas, rocketwoman with unbrushed teeth and coal in her eyes...watching A Christmas Story on TNT....the 24 hour marathon of Christmas Story..while feeding Miss C pieces of stale potatoe chips and flat Coke..

True doesn't know what he'll do. He's probably gonna have to go out of town to visit his family....which means I probably can't go due to the long car rides, Miss C won't tolerate...

we'll see...

I'm running on 3 hours of sleep..can ya tell? am I still coherent..?

my most ultimate present would be at least 8 hours straight of nap time...

which I believe Santa won't deliver...

I'll settle for some valium instead...

what r u X-mas plans?


Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

Yeah, well I was kinda of rooting for Wonderwoman...go figure...The Green Lantern..

Long Lost Keebler

E-nix the Elf.. I mean I got the height...I got the hair..and I look the part..hell...I could be the long lost elf..the one that got stuck under the Keebler Tree...

Thanx Chelle for this !!

Friday's Slide..

Silly Things I lurve...

Of course I love my life, job..(now that I have my X-mas bonus in hand!!) but there are random silly material things I adore...

So enjoy...and share what silly things you lurve?

What's my weekend like?

I have no clue..I know I have Cha-ching..and a plan to buy some shoes...

Other than that..anything goes...

I'm feeling rather I plan to contaminate some folks with my happiness!!

Take cover!!!

Thought of the day:
GAP: God Answers Prayers

(He answered mine today)

One flew over ...the desk

::walk in office door, slurping on Pepsi and eating a corn muffing::


"Oh, hey Mary..we need these two letters ASAP and a copy of the Hotel File for like in 2 mintues!.."

This coming from a Craftsman that is NOT my boss...

The Craftsman comparison..

Ok..We call all those who kiss butt and don't do crap..."Alicates"..Wrench...

So since this dude is like the best of the best at kissing ass and wanting to be boss...he shall be a Craftsman...

::rolls eyes::

"yeah...good morning to you sir...let me have my corn muffin first..."

" rush...but I'm out in like 10 minutes"....

yeah no pressure you swine.

To make matters worse this dude's handwritting is the MADRE of all Chickenscratch...T's not crossed..L's crossed..just a plain mess...

End of story
: they made me edit the letter like 5 times after printing and re-printing..adding last minute details..while I tried to swallow my poor's almost 2pm and I haven't had lunch...I have my desk overrun by paperwork my boss cleans from her desk and places on mine...


I interrupt this blog to announce my office has a pigeon in it..!! A flying pigeon...(go figure, huh?)...for some odd reason..only explainable to the people in this office/home...they have brought a live pigeon for some type of good luck/prosperity ritual...

Now I have to worry about pigeon crap on my legal documents...



Sleigh Bells rings....

You guys might be familiar with the speeding ticket I got slapped with a few months ago..October I believe...

The $175.00 ticket...

for speeding..

for going 60 in a 35mph zone..
when the zone was 50mph..

Remmember I said I was gonna fight the power??

Well today I did..

And won..

I have to pay only the $50 basic fee for speeding...!!!

Boo Ya!!!

Merry effin' X-mas to you Agent R......

Holiday Crocks..

My mom had the bright idea of getting Miss C this for X-mas...

So after going to a zillion stores...avoiding the one with the Huge Giraffe Logo..I had to make my way to the latter..

So I buy the pooch..take it to my office..get batteries on the way...

Try to take it out of the *&^%$#@ Navy-military-enhanced-pentagon-post911-secured box...

Finally get through all the wires, tapes, clips...ties...

Get the pup out..
And I find's just plush..

it doesn't even stand on it's four legs..

It just lays there...

All right..don't panic...put in the batteries..

Another 10 more minutes trying to unscrew the battery lid...tucked tightly in the pup's belly, with barely space for fingers to place batteries..and I squeal in delight as I press its paws..

Miss C is gonna be barks, wags it tails and licks...with saliva and least that's what we saw in the commercials.

So I sit there...I press the paw again..


Uhem...I press paw AGAIN


Ok. Let me read the instructions...

Oh..Ok..fill it up with water..for saliva...cuddle him come alive!!

Ok..will do..


::presses paw::


10 seconds later..

"ruff ruff"

press paw again..

5 seconds later..

"ruff ruff"

press paw again..
::wags tail very slowly::


::licks with no saliva::

then manages to drip one drop of saliva...

Drive to Toys R' Us: $5.00
Amazing Pets Puppy: $34.99 plus tax

Put dog back in box, that you almost dismantled in attempt to get it out in the first place, while dropping words not suitable for children under 12...

Go back to store to get her The Shimmering Lights Little Mermaid..


Bittersweet Fun...

It's hard to make everyone happy...and I've learn that this weekend..

With multiple things I had agreed to, it is hard to make it through for everyone..without dissapointing at least someone..

I had too much on my plate...and I ended up letting some people apologies...It's hard to split myself into many pieces..but I darn tried...

Saturday...after having taking Miss C for her haircut..Death Van decided to kill its battery in the mall parking lot...

I had to hurry up and pay up to get a new battery..luckily Miss C had gone vamoosh with her I was left solo to resolve..

Later that afternoon a kiddie b-day party was being held at church for one of the kids...True was DJ-ing..and I, of course, made my appearance...

For church folk...we know how to party....

Just take a look...and laugh at our silliness...

Sunday...we had our usual church and afterwards we went out to a Photoshoot the boys were having, they are gonna appear in the first Issue of a Christian Magazine out in Feb...the pics looked fab...I took some of my own too..the location could have not been better...

After the shoot...True, Miss C and I headed out to dinner at his house...

His parents are so awesome...They are so interested in me and Miss C...

It reminds me a lot of when I had a home...with civil parents...::sigh::

we laughed and enjoyed a good home cooked meal...and Miss C was so well-behaved it was unbelievable...

After that, we dropped off Miss C at my mom's and headed out to Pool Palace for a B-Boy competition...I couldn't take pics due to the poor lighting..but we all had a good time...I was literally pulled off the dance floor by True....his take:

"Um..don't mean to cramp your style..but it's 2am..we both have to work tomorrow"...


Needless to say...I had such a huge headache Monday..I skipped the office and traded it in, for some quality time with Miss C and lots of napping...

Ah...the good life..
What was ur weekend like?




Scary Mary

Awwwww shucks..why'd they have to do that to me persona!!!

Friday's Slide...

I'm shaking things up a bit folks....

Starting this week...I will bring to you my Friday's Slide...on particular themes, events or things occuring in my week, life...etc..

To start things off and in hopes of pushing those nasty X-mas Blah's away...

I conjured up a lil' slide I'd like to call:


Holiday Cheer..

Cheer people..cheer...
bad typo..
bad typo..

None of the people in these pics drink...

that's if you don't count massive quantities of coffee..

You'll also see how my house has tranformed to look cheery and chipper...

Enjoy and feel free to send pics of your Holiday Cheer..with or without liquor...

I'll be more than glad to post em' up!!

Blah go away ....

I got this via email this week..and I thought it was endearing..

This could be thing number # 4 to get me out of my blah's..

Christmas Letter from God

Dear children,
It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season.

How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own. I don't care what you call the day. If you want to celebrate My birth just, GET ALONG AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

Now, having said that let Me go on.

If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My birth, then just get rid of a couple of Santas and snowmen and put in a small Nativity scene on your own front lawn. If all My followers did that there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square because there would be many of them all around town.

Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a
holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree. It was I who made all
trees. You can & may remember Me anytime you see any tree. Decorate a grape vine if you wish: I actually spoke of that one in a teaching explaining who I am in relation to you & what each of our tasks were. If you have forgot that one, look up
John 15: 1 - 8.

If you want to give Me a present in remembrance of My birth here is my wish list. Choose something from it.

1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My
birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to
soldiers away from home. They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year. I know, they tell Me all the time.

2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally. They just need to know that someone cares about them.

3. Instead of writing George complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year, why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year. Then follow up. It will be nice hearing from you again.

4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford
and they don't need, spend time with them. Tell them the story of My birth, and why I came to live with you down here. Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.

5. Pick someone that has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her.

6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season because they feel so alone and hopeless? Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile it could make the difference. Also, you might consider supporting the local Hot-Line: they talk with people like that every day.

7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town
calls the holiday, be patient with the people who work there Give them a warm smile and a kind word. Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas" that doesn't keep you from wishing them one. Then stop shopping there on Sunday. If the store didn't make so much money on that day they'd close and let their employees spend the day at home with their families.

8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary, especially one who takes My love & Good News to those who have never heard My name. You may already know someone like that.

9. Here's a good one. There are individuals & whole families in
your town who not only will have no "Christmas" tree, but neither will they have any presents to give or receive. If you don't know them (and I suspect you don't) buy some food & a few gifts & give them to the Marines, the Salvation Army or some other charity which believes in Me & they will make the delivery for you.

10. Finally if you want to make a statement about your belief in and loyalty to Me, then behave like a Christian. Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence. Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine.

P.S Don't forget; I am God and can take care of Myself. Just love Me & do what I have told you to do. I'll take care of all the rest. Check out the list above & get to work; time is short. I'll help you, but the ball is now in your court. And do have a most blessed Christmas with all those whom you love and remember:

I Love You

Feeling the blah's...

I've been contaminated by the Holiday Blah's..

I'm not feeling my usual self today..

maybe it's the rush..the excessive amount of work...the many compromises and the busy weekend up ahead.

Maybe it's the fact that last night in a daze I busted my ass on the stairs....on my way up...banged up my knee, my left foot and part of my a mild attempt not to completely go downspiral...

Maybe it's just mental.

I'm very tempted to just turn off my phone and kind of pull a whoodini this weekend...not to scare anyone...but just kind of disappear this weekend...stay in bed...mope around...not move a single finger...

I guess it's the lack of sleep talking....or the excessive amount of adhesive material I have on my tongue from all that envelope and stamp sticking...


But I'm thinking the blah's are going about....maybe it's contagious..maybe..they should make a vaccine...

that would be an idea... are three things that might help me get out of my no particular order..

1. Sleep... like a 24 hour marathon of sleep...I could use the recharging..

2. Ice from Cold Stone..or some Ben & Jerry's...nice creamy yummy ice'll work wonders for anyone in the blah's..

3. Some X-mas music..I've been on this Beck & Tori Amos vibe this week..I need some Bing Crosby or maybe even some Dolly Parton...I know it's a stretch...but don't you just get all chipper when you walk in a store and hear : White X-mas..or Jingle Bells!!!

What are your secrets for getting out of the slump?


Cautionary Note:

If ya' eva wanna unleash the wrath of Mary Poppins....

Hang up in my face...while I'm still talking..

That should get my blood pumping, my adrenaline zooming and should provoke enough 4 letter words to make Dice Clay seem like he retired to a convent...


There is nothing I loathe more than that..

That is sooo 5th grade...

And I'm like 27...

Silly Questions..

yeah..I stole this from Art...feel free to do it as well.. it..sounds not right..

Feel free to play along..

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?Jesus..this proactive stuff is crap

2. How much cash do you have on you?$15.00

3. What’s a word that rhymes with “DOOR?” Store
4. Favorite planet? haven't been to any other to decide..

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? My ex.

6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? None

7. What shirt are you wearing?Black vintage Mickey Mouse Club tee

8. Do you “label” yourself?Label? sure, insane, quirky...silly..nice

9. Name the brand of the shoes you’re currently wearing? I have no platforms

10. Bright or Dark Room?Dark room

11. why is there always a missing question? blame it on cut and paste

12. What does your watch look like? no watch..stopped wearing them a while back

13. What were you doing at midnight last night? working...sleeping..

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? What do you think of Miguel Cotto's English?

15. Where is your nearest 7-11? Close...

16. Whats a word that you say a lot? Ke mal.."how bad"

17. Who told you he/she loved you last?True

18. Last furry thing you touched?I hate furry things

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? None.

20. How many rolls of film do you need developed?1 ...welcome to the digital world

21. Favorite age you have been so far? mayhem

22. Your worst enemy?Myself

23. What is your current desktop picture? the default one..I'm lame like that

24. What was the last thing you said to someone? Wait a minute...

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?million bucks..I could buy plane tickets

26. Do you like someone?Yep. I like lots of people.

27. The last song you listened to? Sun is in the Lily Allen

28. What time of day were you born? 6 something in the early bird

29. Whats your favorite number? 4

30. Where did you live in 1987? Newark, NJ...366 North 7th St. with my folks..

31. Are you jealous of anyone? nope

32. Is anyone jealous of you? I have no idea

33. Where were you when 9/11 happened? Job going crazy without a TV

34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Curse

35. Do you consider yourself kind? Yep

36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? I have three...probably be going for a 4th on my back..

37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? sounds really pretty..

38. Would you move for the person you loved?Yes.

39. Are you touchy feely? Not really

40. What’s your life motto? You want it? work for it..

41. Name three things that you have on you at all times?

42. What’s your favourite town/city? New York

43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash? Lunch

44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? I didn't mail it...but I did write..a few months ago

45. Can you change the oil on a car? Ha! do I look like I can?

46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her? saw his sisters the other days...didn't ask about him...kinda of don't care

47. How far back do you know about your ancestry? I have no clue

48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy? Thanksgiving...grey short plats and black dress t..

49. Does anything hurt on your body right now? nope..ask me that at 5pm

50. Have you been burned by love? Yes..

51. Do you have a crush on any bloggers? I plead the 5th

52. Where would you like to live? country very far away from the smog and neighbors..

cuz i'm anti-social like that..


sometimes I wonder when I'll catch a second to take a break. Like the Holidays have been a whirlwind of events...I feel like a socialite..

No...not Paris, wonky eye, Hilton.

But for the first time in a loooong time, my agenda is fully booked this month..I mean completely.

Last saturday: Miguel Cotto fight..I took some cool pics...but I left my cam at home..
Sunday: Church, then me and True hit the movies...we tried to go see Babel for the second straight weekend with no luck...we were late...ended up seeing the Illusionist instead....Great movie..and Edward Norton is....hmm...shall I say scrumptious...

Yeah...yummy indeed...

and Paul just wanna sucker punch his corrupt ass everytime the camera shows him..

Monday's I have my work sessions with True...we take monday's to work on the projects we have for January...some Hip Hop Conferences that we are having...

Tuesday's I have some church classes I go to..

This weekend...I have a get-to-gether at Empress' crib and a kiddie b-day party..

yeah, the kiddy parties are back...

Sunday I have church....the 16th True is having his X-mas party...the 22nd the church is having's just mad work..

And the fact that the rest of my house is still not prepared for X-mas...and that I may not have time to put my new bedsheets and fresh curtains up in my room are driving me up a freakin' wall..

For the first time in my life, I'm carrying an agenda and a Palm Pilot..

Oh lord..I feel like a freakin' stepford wife...did I type that right?

I guess it's good I'm really busy, but sometimes I just go off on automatic pilot and my brain gets no rest..

Even when I'm sleeping..

For instance...
A few months ago I had some nightmares involving two plane crashes here in Puerto Rico. The other nights I woke up and I felt like this really bad-hair-on-it's-end type of vibe in the room...I was I start praying like a mad woman and all of a sudden I hear planes...lots of planes!! flying over my house...

I kept praying until the noises faded away. I've been hearing noises and seeing things these past few weeks...I don't know why this is all coming back...but believe me I don't need to be hearing the JFK landing strip when I'm trying to sleep...

I think I might need some drugs.

any suggestions?

Miss C is for the first time, enjoying what she calls "Holidays"...if she sees anything related to X-mas and you ask her what it is...she'll respond very: you-stupid-ass-esque: "Holidays".

The attitude is priceless.
The other days I burped and she told me: "Mother, you do not do that, that is piggish!!"

I'm praying she won't pull that one with a stranger who happens to burp...

Said stranger won't find that amusing..

I'm off to make bows for office X-mas tree...that is like the main priority today..nevermind the money that's bleeding from our account or the fact that our business deal might bust...

Right now....Bows are a life and death situation..

After all, it's the HOLIDAYS..


Ya' reading this?!!

Good..I'm literally crouched behind my desk...

typing as fast as my lil' hands can..

where have I been?

Well, ya see...I have a job...and sometimes...I don't do much...
There are times like these last few weeks, that I work for all those days that I don't..

We are in the middle of two LARGE business transactions that are being handed back and forth from the bank to us...

I could care less if I ever see another number...
And if this business deal goes through..I better have like a lifetime suite available at the fancy new Hotel my boss is diggin' up..

So I have not had much time to think...

Today...the only day that things have been quite slow..I spent it, licking stamps and writting out the Office X-mas cards...about fifty somethin' cards to be exact...

I may have developed Arthritis in the process..


On funny daily notes here is a recap:

I still owe you guys: Gobble Gobble Part Deux.....well to sum it all up...I ended up having last minute guests over for 'turkey' aka 'lasanga'...and we chilled at my place...while women cooked, men oozed over computers and Miss C screamed at boys who cut her doll's hair off with scissors...Just your typical Thanxgiving Feast..sans the family and turkey..

I had my court date yesterday..for that wonderful speeding ticket I got a while back...cops fails to show...but calls the judge to let her know he wants to be I'm re-scheduled for the 14th...

Vader and Vietnam still in the same circumstance...I haven't seen Vader in a while...I'm keeping my distance...her bad vibes are very soul sucking..

Vietnman asked me if I would be his date for his company party...
Let's ponder this for sec..will we?
His a fancy hotel...fancy party..with live band..musical food...a drunk Vietnman asking me out to dance...or better yet...asking his friends to ask me out to dance...old men with sweaty hands talking in my face with shrimp and beer breath..

I'll pass...

True and I are good...been both very busy with our respective jobs and lives...but we've managed to go out on a few lunch dates....Me and Empress no longer have our lunch sessions since she has moved out of my neighborhood...booo

speaking of Empress...haven't seen her in a while...probably will see her tomorrow..
The big fight: Cotto vs. Morales is gonna be televised in my house...I'm having a lil' get-to-gether....friends, food and'll be good..

::makes mental note to buy shotgun to keep people off the brandspanking clean and new X-mas decor::

::also prays no one tips over the tree::

I need to send you guys pics of my new decor and my's small but oh so cute..

Speaking of X-mas, already did my more stores for me...
I still have a few gifts to buy...but thanx God for connections..I know this lady from my church who makes wicked women's jewelry, so I'll be buying the rest from her..for my daughter's teachers and such..

What do I want for X-mas?

well I was saving up for an IPOD...but ended up going to the Gap instead...and buying my new cam..

So my IPOD is gonna have to wait..unless I get a really good juicy bonus..which I should use to pay off my credit cards..

We'll see..

For now I'll settle with World Peace...

Ok..that's stretching it a bit..
I'll settle for a nice X-mas day with my loved ones...and the big smile on Miss C's face when she sees the huge piano I got her..

I got her a piano like the one in the movie BIG...the one you play with your comes with a songbook and's about 4 feet long..totally cute..

I know I am gonna regret this present like 20 minutes later..but it sure beats getting her another pony...

She is also getting some movies, plenty of books (which she really loves...a nerd just like momma) and the Elephun game..the one where the Elephant blows butterflies out of his trunk....she goes bannanas everytime she sees the commercial...

So she'll have a blast...I'm sure of it, on the other hand mommy will need some serious shots of Johnny Walker and Advil..

come to think of it, that would be a good present...

speaking of gifts...I also managed to get a new celly...I don't understand it fully and the Bluetooth jigamabob is driving me up a wall..

I'm country Ya'll, I don't understand new techi stuff like that...

You should see me:

::phone rings::

I reach for my bluetooth...


*beep beep beep*

::connected to headset::

*beep beep beep*

::connected to phone::

Crap...I don't understand how many times I have to press the button to get the thing working?!!

Like my mom says: El jibaro es una cosa mala...
"Country folk are a bad thing"

The other days I looked at my phone and it said:


Running to where??
Now even my phone runs??!!

I guess I should take a cue and be off as well...I still got stamps to lick...

What have u guys been up to?
I'll be visiting blogs pronto...

What's ur weekend look like?

Thought of the day: Sticking stamps are so much fun...better than those fancy stick on's.

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