"Miss C!! I swear if you leave one more toy on the ground I will pick it up and....."
::quickly interrupted by the kid::
She places hands in form of puppet and opens and closes her hand like a mouth..
"Blah Blah Blah"
::immediate gesture of opening my eyes as wide as a freezer fish::
"What did you just say?? I know you did not just..."
::intercepted, again::
"Blah blah blah".
I kid you not, I don't know where in hell she learned this.
I kid you not, that I wanted to die of laughter but had to remain firm on my "G.I. Jane" mom look, to prevent this behaviour from happening elsewhere.
"You stop that!! Right this minute!!"
::the kid gives me a huuuuge smirk::
translated into:
"I gotcha good, didn't I?"
Remind me to have a lobotomy when I mention the possibility of having more children in the future.
Labels: Miss C