Giving Thanx....
It's that time of year again, folks..How times flies?!! huh?
The X-mas season...It has officially begun...
Let the mayhem in stores and capitalism and consumerism run loose...
tsk tsk tsk..
I already did my X-mas I won't be going to stores if I can help it during this season..
This season, personally, is always a very hard one. Lots of feelings of solitude creep back and memories re-surface....and it's just very nostalgic in every sense of the word...
But it is my goal this season to look at it differently. Not look at the past...and not even look to the future..but look at my present. It's all about:
Where I am at right about now...
And that would be: A very good place.
I give thanx for so many things in my life lately it's amazing. Things are falling into place at a slow rate, but they are gettin' there....
And for that and these I give thanx:
I give thanx that my daughter has come a long way this past year.
I give thanx that she can call me "mother" and smile and laugh and kiss and hug.
I give thanx that my best friend of 14 years is STILL my best friend.
I give thanx, that even though my parents aren't all there for me, they are there.
I give thanx for a secure job that pays my bills.
I give thanx for the roof over my head and a plate of food on my table every night.
I give thanx for making new friends via blogger..and that even though I have not met many of you...your words in my times of struggle...reach me...move me..
I give thanx for being able to afford the luxury of buying lil' trinkets and candy and junk I don't need...when so many others barely have a plate of food.
I give thanx for having met someone very special and that he was used as an instrument to bring me to someone even MORE special.
I give thanx that this year there are 55 less deaths than last year on my island.
I give thanx that I am here, in good health and that I have pushed my limits and then some and that I am still alive to type about it.
I give thanx for waking up everymorning and thinking "today is going to be better than yesterday"...
Give thanx for what you have people...
Good or bad...
Because right around the corner live the less fortunate....the ones who can't read this because they don't have a Blog, a computer, a home...
Give thanx that you are in good health..sitting and breathing..
Give thanx every day you are on this planet...and make the things you do while you are here, for righteous!!
And for you..who takes the time to read this..
I give thanx..
What do you give thanx for??
Thought of the day:
Taken from Empress: Everything in life is a process...
Labels: Holidays