Valentine's is sooo overrrated..
I dislike Valentine's...
I was in the Valentine Card Section the other day....(ironic, huh?) and did you know they have cards for Grandparents, mom's, nieces, pets..the whole f*cking enchillada??
I remmember when Valentine's was for lover's and couples only....
Now even the neighbor gets a Mon-Cherrie...
My pocket ain't having it...
The school usually picks out a boy and girl for King and Queen...which reminds me...offering a slight was my official Blogaversarry this week!!!, anywhoot...and Miss C being the only girl is always Queen..
This year they've changed it up a each parent like a Bingo Card...with have to convince people to peel off a sticker and whatever is underneath, that is the donation they have to make...donations run from 15 cents to a dollar.
I think it's a waste of my time.
I don't have time to ask people for money.
Does the school know our economical crisis?
The few times I've asked for donations I have to give the whole puppy-dog-please-give-me-a-quarter-so-my-daughter-can-be-queen look...
I really could care less if my daughter was Queen or not...
but here they have me like an ass, carrying around my card round' town...
and I still have to buy a Valentine's present for True.
Yeah Yeah..I hate Valentines...but I get sucked up in the Vortex like the rest of you folk....
What to get a guy who is so difficult to buy stuff?
Clothes are like No-No territory.
He is pickier than me...color coordinating even his an exact tee. Wearing nothing but ironed out T Shirts and clothes, every article of clothing in its place and nothing less...
When a man is pickier than me when it comes to clothes....I worry.
Man do I worry.
He needs slacks for formal events...and Formal shirts...
But dare I navigate the trecherous waters of the men's department..?
I'm a sucker so that means, probably.
Thank God for Gift Receipts...
If it don't fit..or he doesn't like it...he can take it back...
I really could care less...
I'm off..
I've got like 20 more stickers to peel off...
Labels: rambles