"hood"....slang for where u live...like ghetto...or like : Susan lives in the hood...short for neighborhood...
also a state of being: parenthood, fatherhood, motherhood....
noun: an agressive and violent young criminal...
in my own words, taking into consideration these definitions:
Motherhood: a young, agressive, almost criminal like mother who lives in the ghetto...
nice, huh..??
motherhood is the sh*t...
when u become a mom..everything changes... EVERYTHING..
For example:
u would take an early shower, get dressed and head out shopping, on weekends...
post-children: ur lucky if u remember to brush ur teeth at 6pm..
u try to eat balanced meals...3 meals a day..blah blah..
post-kids: u eat the saliva ridden cracker ur toddler no longer wants...
u cannot remember the last decent movie u saw...
post-rugrats: but do remember that there are 5 wiggles and their names are: Greg, Anthony, Murray....nevermind the remembering name thing...
Friday nights were party party...up till the break of dawn...
post kids: u drop dead in ur bed at 9am with ur shoes and makeup on...
u could not stand to see: saliva, drool, bodily liquids..including vomit...from ANY CHILD..OR ANYONE, for that matter..
post-child: u clean up saliva, drool with ur sleeve...and vomit with ease and non-chalant style...going back to ur sandwhich afterwards...
speaking of that wonderful thing called vomit..
Yesterday morning i wake Miss C up for school and notice how odd it is that she doesn't want her usual morning bottle of milk...so I kind of just shrug it off..get her dressed and get in the car to take her to school...as I was approaching the school...i hear Miss C say:
"ewwwww...clean up...caca"..
so..as any other paranoid mom would do when u hear these 4 words:
I immediately looked back...
but I see Miss C is allright...
but as my gaze goes down towards the seat...
i see it..
an Explosion....funny thing is..she doesnt make the 'hurling' sound when she does this...which is horrifying..since she has thrown up, dead asleep...and I only find out when I turn around and my hair is in the pool of zest...graphic huh?
so i had to get to school..ask the teacher for gloves...paper towels..water etc..to clean the mess up..luckily Miss C did not throw up on herself..smart kid..she knows she has to step back...she is an expert in the bile area...
anywhoot...she came down with some sort of stomach bug..24 thingy...or so her doc says...which i have noticed is the most popular doctor phrase when they don't know what the hell is wrong with u...
My arm hurts, and I threw up: a virus
My eye is bleeding, and I have diarrea: a virus..
my brother just beat my brain out with a bat..and i have nauseas and diarrea: a virus..
The medical community here is really full of all kinds of expertise...
Anyway...so i cleaned the mess..got the seatbelts, seats, and carseat cleaned...and wondered where in the world did i slip...what went wrong...
cleaning up vomit at 8am is not my idea of a wonderful monday..i could be drinking a mocha-late-chino-insert-fancy-coffee-name-here, at some very important business meeting...
but hey...i had the day off...took Miss C to the doc..and later when she tried to bite my arm, because I would not put on the "3 little pigs", i knew she was all better...and that I was officially embracing the 'motherhood'..
how do u embrace 'motherhood'...