Murphy is never far away

We interrupt my scheduled 'rebooting' to inform you that Murphy is back...

With a vengeance...

How else would you explain that I woke up late...almost busted my ass down the rained on as I dropped some stuff at daycare...

And then at Miss C's school, I had to go fish for my wallet that happened to fall into the stream of water, God know what kind of water, flowing down the stream down the street...

I had to haul ass in order for that sucker not to go down any open drainages...

to no avail..I couldn't avoid having all my money completely drenched and having the cashier where I pumping my gas (yeah..I also had no gas), give me a dirty look as I was handing him a very very wet Jefferson....

I have posted a reward for the capture of Murphy...dead preferably...
please contact me if you have information on this subject.

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