
Before I get to my weekend post...

Here's my pre-post.

Picture this..

I'm running a taaad late..
Just a taaad

But lucky me, there is no traffic.
I reach the tollbooth with my 50 cents in hand.
Car in front of me, decides it doesn't have change and wants the lady at the tollbooth next door to come change her dollar...

::rolls eyes::

This is wrong from the get-go.

Tollbooth lady is pissed, but brings her the change anyway..

The stupid lady deposits her change, moves her car forward but the gate won't open...
I had already moved my car forward too in hopes of moving on. So our cars are like in between the thingy where you deposit the change.

She then gets out of her car, with change in her hand and comes towards me...

"Here's my money, deposit it for me".

Insert, open eyes and WTF? Look here.

"What? You want me to get out of my car to deposit your money!!!?? What is wrong with the people on this Godforsaken island!!"

Now picture this scenario with horns honking, people shouting...

I deposited her money and mine. The gate opened for her, but closed for mine, because, it was a quarter short.

She jipped me for a quarter.


Karma Karma Karma.

That's all I can hope for.

"I need

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