

Let me take a quick shower and get dressed to go watch the game with True.

::takes shower::
::Jumps out shower::

Let me put on my bathrobe right quick while I dab some make-up so as not to scare the crap out of True.

::puts on bathrobe::

*flutter, flutter, buzz buzz*

::feels crawling on neck, swats at neck::

Sees this on floor:

(Excuse me if it's a bit blurry..it's hard taking a pic of something you don't wanna get too close to!!)

::Stomps on with flip flop::


You are definitely in the wrong house, bitch.
And therefore you must die.


Miss C's take: Mommy a roach!!!! Picture !!!!

Notice how she mantained a HUGE distance between her and the disgusting insect.
I need to get screens for my windows ASAP.


In other exciting news...True came over to accompany me see the way the Yankees totally screwed up and lost the game last night, but also see Boston also screw it up and hand over the AL Division Title aka our Playoff Ticket, to the Yanks.

Thanks Boston.

Even Big Papi wasn't enough.
As for my team...you guys need to get your shit straight. The competition ahead is very very tough, especially The Mets. It's gonna be a tough post season.

With lots of posts on baseball. So brace yourselves...

Well I'm off peeps...

Since I am not creating havoc or wishing for anymore drama...
conjure up some for moi and let me know!

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