Awww..what is this that I am reading?....that Boston lost last night...wait..there's more?...that the Yankees shut down Tampa Bay, 6 to 0...that Chicago barely won.
Oh...seems like good news travels fast to my Inbox...and even quicker to Blogger.
"Miss C aka The Kid": 12 year old who is on the road to recovery from Autism. Sometimes we love each other, sometimes we don't. As simple as that.
"Vader": Mary's Mom. Like the ever so popular facebook status: it's complicated. Known to hang onto "Jesus Christ's robe" when things get tough; known to say things even I can't repeat
"Vietnam": Mary's dad. He thinks he was a Nam' Vet. Need I say more?
"Bro": used to be self centered, sedan driving, versace wearing, younger is a sedan driving dad.