After last night's 'internet boyfriend' dad came upstairs and tried to make me feel better:

"You know you're mom has been quite crazy these past few days...she's been quite craze since Friday. She said she was sick of being here. Did you know that? Did you know she was crazy?? Do you think she needs a doctor? You can't talk to her these days without getting your head chopped off! I think she is sick".

Ya' think??

This coming from a man who rakes leaves under severe rainstorms. This coming from a man who has to sit in the same chair everynight at dinner or else he will have a titty attack.

I think we are guilty of being crazy in this household.


In baseball news I've been out of circuit..haven't seen a game in days..but I read the paper, people. I know that Boston lost last night and the Yankees won. So I'm watching, from afar, but I'm watching.


Aimée sent me a link so I could see the sexual offenders in my area. I wish she hadn't...There are a few who live in my neighborhood. I will never go out to the corner store without my glock, again.


In Potty updates: Miss C is pulling down her own underwear and has understood all too well the "Cause & Effect" routine. She knows that if she does potty she gets a prize. Yesterday she sat on the toilet, didn't do nothing and said:

"Momma, prize!!"

I look at her and go:

"Prizes are for actually 'doing' potty, not just sitting down on the toilet."

She looks and tries to go potty and says:

"Momma I can't, but I sit, prize!!"

sly. sly. sly. kid.

But I got my point across and when she finally went potty she took me to the toilet to see and then, only then, did I give her a prize.


Today was her first day of school. After some transportation speed bumps, we got everything squared and she starts her therapies right away today. She did not cry. She did not scream. She waved goodbye and told her teacher that she goes potty.

She is a big gal indeed.


As for me, my boss it outta town...I have the office to myself, but Hurricane L. did not leave without reeking havoc on my desk and leaving enough work for about a month!!

I'll probably procrastinate until the week before she gets back....I'm Puertorican. Procrastination is in my blood...

Today's thought of the day:

Fashion should always come first. You don't wanna die and be wearing worn out flip flops!!

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