I was stuck waiting. How I hate to wait. But in the Board of Education all you have left is wait.
I am stuck between the silent moms, the moms who complain every 30 seconds and the moms who just wanna strike up a conversation with anyone to ease the waiting process.
I just wanna get the hell out of there. It's hot and I'm coughing and I'm sitting on the floor.
Then a mom got "Discovery-Planet" on me.
"Do you hear that?" a mom asks me
"Um...yeah...birds chirping"
"Not just any birds...parrots...parrots in that mango tree over there...see?"
"Em..that's nice.." ::give polite smile::
"Do you know that parrots are the most loyal and loving animals on this planet?"
::cock eyebrow::
"Wow". (in complete that's-enough-information-for-me-thanx-voice)
"When one of them dies, the other swoops down from above and commits suicide."
::make mental note to google this info up::
"Yep...parrots are more loyal than men...they never cheat on their mate".
::catching my interest"
"Really? Do tell me more?" (This I wanna hear)
Thought of the day: If a parrot can commit suicide due to the lost of its mate, then I want some of that love too.