Love through the Internet

"Why do you do on the internet so much?"

Mom says in a very, very suspicious "you-are-14-and-i-am-wondering-if-u-play-hooky" tone...

"I use it to watch pornography" MOI

In most 'annoyed-get-off-my-case-don't-speak-to-me-in-that-tone' tone

"I'm serious, keep joking..keep mocking me...but if by any chance you are looking for love on the internet and you go meet some stranger and get kidnapped, raped or godforbid murdered, don't say I didn't warn you!!!"

"If I get murdered, I guess I won't have a chance to".

Mom very offended:

"Fine...I can't touch these subjects with you!!"

Dad chanting in the background:

"La la la la have an internet boyfriend!!"

Me slighty annoyed:

"Oh Fuck Off".


Just another evening at dinner.

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