There is a saying that goes:

En guerra avisada, no muere gente.

In an advised war, no one dies.

So. I warned you. I told ya' this weekend this was gonna happen.

Today: Yanks vs. Boston double header. They played at 1pm and then again at 8:30pm

The 1pm game: We won, 12 to 4 I believe. Damon showed that even though:

He looked like Jesus, threw like Mary and acted like Judas...

He can still kick ass, even with the pinstripes!!

Right now, I checked on the status of the second game and we are tied in the 5th...

It's gonna be a hard series. 5 games. One doubleheader which was today.

There is a lot at stake...Yanks need to win a few to keep their lead and leave Boston out for the Wildcard. For benefit of those who don't know. In the early 90's I believe, the MLB changed their playoff system. Now, the three leaders of each division are guaranteed a spot in the playoffs, and they hand out what they call a "Wildcard" to the second best team in the division. Boston was in first place, but since they slipped a few, now the Yanks are on top, possibly leaving Boston to fight for the Wildcard.

We'll see.

Sorry about the techinical Gibberish. But I felt ya' needed to know.
If you didn't care:

Carry On.

Thought of the evening:
Why did I see today a mother and daughter (she was about 25) dressed in the same turqoise Lacrosse Polo Shirts? Is this some kind of code? Is it a way of not getting lost?

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